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MLS Laser Therapy in Roseville

High-Tech Help for Pain

Cutting Edge Laser Technologies

Laser therapy aims to photo-biostimulate chemically damaged cells via specific wavelengths of light. When cells are chemically damaged they stimulate the pain cycle. Laser excites the kinetic energy within cells by transmitting healing stimuli known as photons. The skin absorbs these photons via a photo-chemical effect, not photo-thermal; therefore it does not cause heat damage to the tissues. Once photons reach the cells of the body, they promote a cascade of cellular activities. Laser therapy light can ignite the production of enzymes, stimulate mitochondria, increase vasodilation and lymphatic drainage, ATP synthesis, and elevate collagen formation substances to prevent the formation of scar tissues. This is a critical step in reducing long term disabling chronic myofascial pain syndromes. Other formative cells are also positively influenced and immune enhancing effects are increased in the number of macrophages. Simply stated, patients get out of pain faster and heal at the same time.

Have Low Level Lasers been Scientifically Studied & Proven?

Low level lasers have been used world-wide for over 30 years. The FDA has approved lasers for specific conditions. Over 2500 studies have shown that low level lasers:

  1. REDUCE PAIN by stimulating cells to produce their own endorphins, natural pain killers.
  2. PROMOTE FASTER HEALING by stimulating cells to increase the production of two major healing enzymes by as much as 75%.
  3. REDUCE INFLAMMATION by as much as 75%.
  4. INCREASE BONE REPAIR SPEED by stimulating fibroblastic and osteoblastic proliferation.
  5. RELAX MUSCLES and muscle spasms.
  6. DECREASE SWELLING by stimulating lymphatic drainage.
  7. ENHANCE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM by increasing the number of "killer" cells by 400-900%, and most importantly,
  8. RE-ENERGIZE CELL MEMBRANES to allow transport of essential nutrients across cell walls allowing a healthy new cell to grow (nutrients will not cross an injured or sick cell wall, thus slowing healing).

Correct Dosage for the Best Results

The single most important parameter for success in laser therapy treatment is the correct dosage of sufficient laser energy (Joules) to the target tissue. Dosage is determined by Joules per/cm2 and tissue depth. Too little, or too much laser photonic energy produces suboptimal results. Therefore there is an ‘Optimal Window’ of therapeutic dosage. The primary factors in laser therapy that determine dosage are Power and Time.

However, 65% of laser energy is absorbed through the skin and subcutaneous tissue layers including blood, melanin and water. In order to overcome these factors one must start with large quantities of energy to reach the deeper target cells and myofascial structures with a required dose.

Depth of Tissue Penetration

Superficial conditions such as carpal tunnel, sprains, strains, wrists, elbows etc can be treated effectively with lower doses. However, if you are going to be treating deep tissue spinal injuries, hips, shoulders and neuropathies the target dose must be higher. (Class IV Laser) Hitting the target dose recommendation is critical. The Class IV MLS Laser delivers deep penetration, high therapeutic dosages, and decreased treatment times. You cannot make up for insufficient power by increasing treatment time. Depth of tissue penetration will not increase with more application time. Positive results require more than increasing time.

What is "Robotic" MLS Laser Therapy?

The MLS laser is a Class IV laser capable of producing the energy needed to achieve a therapeutic dose for superficial as well as deep tissues. In addition, it also has a patented technology call "Multiwave Lock Sync" which enables less scatter for deep tissue treatment. The M6 Robotic MLS Laser also helps minimize human error by robotically applying the individualized correct therapeutic dosage needed for each patient.

MLS laser therapy machine

Laser Therapy has been widely utilized in Europe by physical therapists, nurses and doctors as far back as the 1970's. Now, after FDA approval in 2002 (Class III) and 2003 (Class IV), Laser Therapy is being used extensively in the United States.

Laser Therapeutic Effects: During each painless treatment laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain is relieved. Blast your pain away!

Cellular Effects of Laser Thearpy: During Laser Therapy the infrared laser light interacts with tissues at the cellular level and metabolic activity increases within the cell, improving the transport of nutrients across the cell membrane. This initiates the production of cellular energy (ATP) that leads to a cascade of beneficial effects, increasing cellular function and health.

Patient Benefits of Laser Therapy: Laser Therapy is proven to biostimulate tissue repair and growth. The Laser accelerates the healing process and decreases inflammation, pain and scar tissue formation. In the managment of chronic pain Class IV Laser Therapy can provide dramatic results.

Cutting Edge of Non-Surgical Pain Relief and Tissue Repair

Lupo Chiropractic Center is one of the first clinics in Michigan to offer their patients the latest advance in safe, comfortable and highly effective pain relief and tissue repair. The Cutting Edge MLS M6 Laser is one of the most technologically advanced therapeutic Class IV lasers approved by the FDA. The MLS Laser is capable of delivering over 100 times more healing energy than the most powerful devices of the previous generation (Class III – ‘Cold Lasers’ – LLLT – Low Level Laser Therapy).

More power means shorter treatment times, less therapy needed and immediate pain relief. The Cutting Edge MLS Laser floods the tissues with photons, energizing the damaged cells and increasing circulation to the painful area. This increases the body’s production of ATP (Adenosine-triphosphate), expediting the healing process to reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissue.

MLS Stands for “Multi-wave Lock System.” MLS is the name of the technology used that utilizes the patented combination of wavelengths. The 2 wavelengths are synchronized to work together, much like a symphony to deliver superior results. Like two musical instruments playing together in harmony, the patented MLS emission system organizes continuous and pulsed emission, simultaneous anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in considerably reduced times. In addition, this unique patented synchronization of multiple wavelengths creates less and allows for safe deep tissue treatment. (Scatter can produce heat in the tissues and is the reason why with other Class IV therapeutic laser devices the therapist must keep the laser beam in motion). Treatments take just a few minutes and are painless, however, the therapeutic effects continue to soothe and heal long after the treatment ends.

The Following Table Summarizes the Characteristics of the MLS Laser Impulse:

MLS pulse graphic

The Science of MLS Laser Therapy:

Numerous Studies show that MLS Laser Therapy can help with:

  • Tendinopathies
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Muscle Strains
  • Repetitive Stress injuries
  • Chondromalaica Patellae
  • Plantar Fascitis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Shoulder, Back & Knee Pain
  • Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
  • Post-Traumatic Injury
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Venous Ulcers
  • Diabetic Foot Ulcers
  • Burns
  • Deep Edema / Congestion
  • Sports Injuries
  • Auto & Work Related Injuries

PDF Downloads of Cutting Edge Laser Pamphlets & Scientific Studies: